into the fog


shot this with the pentax me super loaded with lucky shd 100 on a foggy fall afternoon...

on a somewhat unrelated note: the zorki does not work well with eyeglasses. will need to rethink 2012... :-/

a little bit heidelberg...

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just testing out my new toy - a panasonic gf1 with the lovely 20mm f1.7 pancake

sylt 2010


hong kong

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[Group 8]-DSC_6433_DSC_6443-11 images-2.jpg

went to hong kong last week, finally got round to posting the photos here. what a crazy place of contrasts, the modern next to the traditional. full set here

easter beer hunt

the spoils...

easter collection

happy easter, rainy easter

rainy easter


...the less frequently travelled bits

keep clearlickity